Here are some more moderately intelligible notes. They describe in detail the class structure of the plug-in - like what node possesses what and which methods call which inside each other.
I have to work on the soft selection and mesh manipulation algorithm, but after that, I'll be ready to put it all to computer (given that I have, already put it all to paper).
Here are the tasks I am giving myself, about one or two a week:
- Do the plug-in writing exercise from my Maya plug-in writing class.
- Create a functional CurvePair.
- Make a TetraCurve where muscle curves affect fat curves.
- Make the TetraCurve manipulate the mesh.
- Model the figure. Going to start off with just the human male for now, since it's from the Goldfinger book.
- Set TetraCurves up on the figure.
- Create GUI.
- Allow for importing and exporting of skeletons and meshes.
- Save and load from text files.
- Gender toggles.
- Viewer toggles (such as "hide curves").
What does Phenotype percentages entail?