Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Planning Notes II

I realized my blogs are very much not "weekly." I just kind of post whenever I've finished something.

Here are some more moderately intelligible notes. They describe in detail the class structure of the plug-in - like what node possesses what and which methods call which inside each other.

I have to work on the soft selection and mesh manipulation algorithm, but after that, I'll be ready to put it all to computer (given that I have, already put it all to paper).

Here are the tasks I am giving myself, about one or two a week:

  1. Do the plug-in writing exercise from my Maya plug-in writing class.
  2. Create a functional CurvePair.
  3. Make a TetraCurve where muscle curves affect fat curves.
  4. Make the TetraCurve manipulate the mesh.
  5. Model the figure. Going to start off with just the human male for now, since it's from the Goldfinger book.
  6. Set TetraCurves up on the figure.
  7. Create GUI.
  8. Allow for importing and exporting of skeletons and meshes.
These are things I would like to add if I have the time.
  1. Save and load from text files.
  2. Gender toggles.
  3. Viewer toggles (such as "hide curves").
Well, then. To work.

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