Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where to Go Next

We are now going to develop a "sketch-based interface for polygonal modeling of stylized characters using an armature pipeline". Oh man, now doesn't that important?

This is the closest paper to my project:

Sketch-based Virtual Human Modelling and Animation
Chen Mao, Sheng Feng Qin, and David Wright

However, I have decided to use an armature-based approach akin to real sculpting technique.

The overall contour of the human body is defined by two types of bones: long bones (eg - limb bones, spine, the femur, the radius, etc.) and flat bones (eg - protective bones, skull, pelvis, etc.). Using a 2D sketching interface, the artist draws an armature, using lines ending in circles for long bones and circles and cubes for flat bones.

The long bones are then converted into a Maya skeleton. The flat bones are converted into I-forgot-what-they-are-called-but-they-are-like-deformers-but-rather-keep-things-from-deforming. The bones are then used to automatically generate a mesh - for example, the circle defining the ribcage will result in the chest mesh being roughly the same shape.

Based on the resulting skeleton, the plug-in adds curve pairs (tetraCurves from the previous blog entries) which give artists recursive control over figure obesity and fitness. Artists can alter the entire figure or selected body parts.

The plug-in will also automatically pelt map (or Ptex) the model for easy texturing. It comes with a skin shader, too.

The good part about this is that it allows the artist to create non-standard figures. I was thinking for another project even animating them procedurally.

These are papers I will use to help me. This list is not filled yet.:

Sketching Interfaces:

Amit Shesh and Baoquan Chen
SMARTPAPER: An Interactive and User Friendly
Sketching System

Automatic Meshing:


Jianhui Zhao1, Ling Li, and Kwoh Chee Keong
3D Posture Reconstruction and Human Animation from 2D Feature Points

Andrei Sharf, Thomas Lewiner, Ariel Shamir, and Leif Kobbelt
On-the-fly Curve-skeleton Computation for 3D Shapes

Curve Manipulation:

Pelt Mapping:

Texturing and Shading:

This is related to stuff I probably won't implement but would be cool additions.


Philippe Decaudin, Dan Julius, Jamie Wither, Laurence Boissieux, Alla Sheffer, Marie-Paule Cani1,2,3
Virtual Garments: A Fully Geometric Approach for Clothing Design

Ambition will get the better of me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More Literature

The lab printer is broken, so I need to list a couple more papers on here. I've had a change in topic. I'm going to try to do modeling from sketching armatures.

Anyhow, here are papers based on pipeline.


User Studies:


Andrew Forsberg, Bob Zeleznik, Joseph La Viola, Sashi Raghupathy, Andrew Bragdon
An Empirical Study in Pen-Centric User Interfaces: Diagramming


Modeling from Sketches:


Chen Mao, Sheng Feng Qin, and David Wright
Sketch-Based Virtual Human Modelling and Animation

Igarashi, T., Matsuoka, S., and Tanaka, H. 2007.
Teddy: a sketching interface for 3D freeform design.
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Courses (San Diego, California, August 05 - 09, 2007). SIGGRAPH '07. ACM, New York, NY, 21.

Seok-Hyung Bae, Ravin Balakrishnan, Karan Singh
ILoveSketch: As-Natural-As-Possible Sketching System for Creating 3D Curve Models
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 2008 (Monterey, CA, USA, October 19-22, 2008)

Sezgin, T. M., Stahovich, T., and Davis, R. 2006.
Sketch based interfaces: early processing for sketch understanding.
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Courses (Boston, Massachusetts, July 30 - August 03, 2006). SIGGRAPH '06. ACM, New York, NY, 22. DOI=

Added 2/4/10:

Adrien Bernhardt, Adeline Pihuit, Marie-Paule Cani, Loic Barthe
Matisse : Painting 2D regions for Modeling Free-Form Shapes

Masamichi Sugihara, Erwin de Groot, Brian Wyvill, Ryan Schmidt
A Sketch-Based Method to Control Deformation in a Skeletal Implicit Surface Modeler

Jeehyung Lee, Thomas Funkhouser
Sketch-Based Search and Composition of 3D Models

Orn Gunnarsson, Steve Maddock
Sketching Faces

Fabricio Anastacio, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Mario Costa Sousa
Sketch-based Parameterization of L-systems using Illustration-inspired Construction Lines


Automatic Skinning:


Baran, I. and Popović, J. 2007.
Automatic rigging and animation of 3D characters.
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Papers (San Diego, California, August 05 - 09, 2007). SIGGRAPH '07. ACM, New York, NY, 72. DOI=


Curve-based Modeling:


Real-time Individualized Virtual Humans
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann

Modeling Individual Animated Virtual Humans for Crowds
Mustafa Kasap, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann


Pelt Mapping:


Brent Burley and Dylan Lacewell
Ptex: Per-face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering


HSV Textures:


Real-time Crowds: Architecture, Variety, and Motion-Planning
Jonathan Maïm, Barbara Yersin, Daniel Thalmann

These papers have nothing to do with my senior project but may be interesting for my other courses:

Simulation of Tearing Cloth with Frayed Edges
Napaporn Metaaphanon, Yosuke Bando, Bing-Yu Chen, Tomoyuki Nishita

Procedural Generation of Rock Piles using Aperiodic Tiling
A. Peytavie, E. Galin, J. Grosjean, S. Merillou

Peek-in-the-Pic: Flying Through Architectural Scenes From a Single Image
Amit Shesh and Baoquan Chen

Finally, these are for Kristen, since she wants to make plants.