Most use CESAR data, so I've decided to take my project down a slightly different path. The thing is, CESAR scan data produces ridiculously high resolution models. More importantly, the resulting figures cannot be easily stylized (pushed beyond the available data set). My editable curves methods aims to allow artists to create stylized models, to fit provided skeletons, and accomodate lower resolutions.
These are my planning notes. They are relatively intelligible planning notes. The next step is to get them off the paper and into the proposal.
Sorry, 3DS Max users, but I've settled on writing on Maya plug-in. The GUI (and as much as possible) will be done with Maya's Python Commands. However, the data structures (such as bodyPart and triCurve) will be written in C++.
I have also broken down the figure into seventeen overlapping regions and demarcated important landmarks - specifically using terms from figure drawing classes.

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