Thursday, April 29, 2010

Future Optimizations

Things I Obviously Don't Have the Time to Do Now, but Would Make Version 2.0 Much Nicer:

  • Re-write code to use clusters, rather than lattices. Clusters are less visually obstructive.
  • Rather than connect attributes of the FigureDataNode to the Lattice attributes, it'd be better to have the FigureDataNode possess just an attribute which links to the mesh it is relevant to. That way, the Lattice (although, now Cluster) attributes aren't locked. After all, the FigureDataNode is just storage. It holds the sketch information after the sketch is disposed of by the QT Application closing.
  • If each FigureDataNode possesses a mesh, we can pass the DAGPath to a mesh as an argument into our other commands. This would let us operate on multiple meshes in one file.
How I'd Add Skeletons:

  • Make a Lattice around each Cluster. (This could be a problem, given lattices are axis-aligned. This could be solved by keeping the current Lattice structures but making them invisible.)
  • Find its translation matrix. (I actually did that yesterday for adding wires, and then realized I didn't need it.)
  • Create a joint at (0, scaleY, 0) and (0, -scaleY, 0).
  • Apply the lattice's transformation matrix to the join.
So much I've learned, not enough time to make what I want to. And there's a lot of trash accumulating on my desk...

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